Astra-20 technical specifications:
Max. output power ;20 W
Max. output voltage;400 V
Output current values with the corresponding acceptable range of the transmitting line contact resistance values ;<i>1.0 mА</i> : 8.0 kOhm÷ 400 kOhm<br><i>2.0 mА</i> : 4.0 kOhm÷ 200 kOhm<br><i>5.0 mА</i> : 1.6 kOhm÷ 80 kOhm<br><i>10.0 mА</i> : 800 Ohm÷ 40 kOhm<br><i>14.1 mА</i> : 560 Ohm ÷ 28.4 kOhm<br><i>20.0 mА</i> : 400 Ohm÷ 20 kOhm<br><i>31.6 mА</i> : 250 Ohm÷ 12.7 kOhm<br><i>50.0 mА</i> : 160 Ohm÷ 8000 Ohm<br><i>70.7 mА</i> : 80 Ohm÷ 4000 Ohm<br><i>100 mА</i> : 40 Ohm÷ 2000 Ohm
Ouput current waveform; squarewave signal, sequence of squarewave signals with different frequencies
Operating frequencies (Hz, some of the given values are approximate, the exact values could be obtained by repeated dividing 2 500 Hz by 2):;1-100 mА: 0.076, 0.153, 0.305, 0.610, 1.22, 2.44, 4.88, 9.77, 19.5, 39.1, 78.1, 156, 312.5, 625 <br>10-100 mА: 0.076, 0.153, 0.305, 0.610, 1.22, 2.44, 4.88, 9.77, 19.5, 39.1, 78.1, 156, 312.5, 625, 1250, 2500.
Efficiency factor;Up to 85%
Absolute error of the average output current value at 0.3 Hz, moderate load (<30%), normal power supply voltage (12,6/14,8 V) and room temperature;less than 0,25%
Additional inaccuracy of the average output current value at 0.3 Hz due to increased load (<85%) for different current values;14.1 mА - 100 mА – less than 0,1%<br>1 mА - 10 mА – less than 0,2%
Additional inaccuracy of the average output current value due to the temperature deviation within the accepted temperature range;less than ±0,5%
Frequency instability, including frequency drift within the operating temperature range and aging of the equipment during the first exploitation year;< 5⋅10<sup>-6</sup>
Wavefront duration on active load 1 кOhm;< 2 microseconds
Operating temperature range;from - 20°C to + 50°C, without condensation
Type of duty;continuous, fieldwork, without direct impact of atmospheric precipitation
Power supply voltage;12,6 V (Pb batteries)<br>14,8 V (Li-ion batteries)<br>min 10.5 V, max 17 V
Current consumption;< 2,5 А
Weight;~ 0.4 kg
Dimensions;140х110х38 mm
Controlled by;Astra-20 software installed on any smartphone or tablet based on OS Android 9.0 or newer
Connection interface;Bluetooth in Serial Port Profile (SPP) mode.
Sound indication;- transmission in progress (optional)<br>- transmitting circuit break <br>- overload (~100%) <br>- underload (< 2%)<br>- low supply voltage<br>- overheat
Connectors;- transmitting line AB<br>- 10 ± 0,01 Ohm resistor<br>- power supply
Ingress protection rating;IP-65